Online event for the opening of the project “Solar schools” in the gymnasium №32 in Kaliningrad and in the gymnasium №116 in St. Petersburg

Online event for the opening of the project "Solar schools" in the gymnasium №32 in Kaliningrad and in the gymnasium №116 in St. Petersburg
October 16, 2020

The official opening of the system in the schools was planned for autumn 2020, but the format and exact timing of the event could not be planned in advance due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. We decided not to wait for the borders to open but ended up holding the opening ceremony in two of our solar schools in an online format!

The first part of the event was the official opening, which was attended by representatives of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Russia, education committees, city administration, organizers of the project – representatives of "ideas into energy gGmbH" and the initiative "Schools – Partners of the Future" (PASCH) of the Goethe Institute in Moscow, representatives of SOLAR23 and representatives of the school management.

In addition, during the online opening there was a presentation of the project "Solar schools". Simultaneous translation was provided at the event and guests who did not speak German could listen to the interpreter.

The second part of the event was a digital quiz for children on the topic of solar energy with the help of the smartphone application Actionbound, in which students of both high schools, the head teachers, German and physics teachers participated. In this part of the event the system and application were presented to visualize the work of the solar syste, and the students had the opportunity to watch a thematic educational film on the topic of solar energy.


Winners’ list of the quiz:


1st place: Sofia Protsenko

2nd place: Mark Veresov, Roman Popov

3rd place: Maria Gedzyuk, Maxim Gontcharenko, Sergey Simanovich


St. Petersburg:

1st place: Eduard Kudryatsev 

2nd place: Maria Tchistyakova, Bogdan Jurinov, Vladislav Krasnov

3rd place: Vladimir Kalskov