Seminar: Components of a photovoltaic system

Seminar: Components of a photovoltaic system

On May 17, 2023, ideas into energy gGmbH organized a seminar for lecturers and students in Central Asia and the Caucasus, in which the individual components of PV systems were explained in detail. The seminar was the fourth session of the Solar Universities Seminar Series on the Global Energy Transition, which was launched in February 2023 and comprises several thematic seminars on key aspects of the energy transition and the associated challenges in the specific context of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

The seminar on May 17, 2023, led by Prof. em. Alexander Kirjuchin, focused on a wide range of topics, including:

1. What is the photoelectric effect?
2. How is a photoelectric cell constructed?
3. What materials are used in the production of PV modules/cells?
4. What components does a PV system consist of?
5. What is the function of individual components of a PV system (batteries, inverters, etc.)?

Lecturers and students from our partner universities in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan took part in the seminar.