Seminar: Lessons learned – Seminar series on the global energy transition

Seminar: Lessons learned – Seminar series on the global energy transition

On December 14, 2023, an online seminar was held to evaluate the “Global Energy Transition” seminar series. The seminar was held under the direction of Prof. em. Alexander Kirjuchin and moderated by the ideas into energy gGmbH.

The seminar series included several thematic seminars on key aspects of the energy transition and the associated challenges, particularly in relation to Central Asia and the Caucasus. The target group of the seminars were lecturers and students from the partner universities in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

In addition to an introduction to the thematic field of the global energy transition, the range of topics included a comprehensive explanation of the following aspects and components (relevant to the energy transition):

1. Electricity grids of the future: Comprehensive modernization of electricity grids as a key element of the energy transition
2. Solar radiation
3. Components of a photovoltaic system
4. Inverters as “the heart” of a photovoltaic system
5. Use of renewable energies in agriculture
6. The role of storage systems and batteries in the energy transition
7. Smart grid as a prerequisite for an environmentally friendly and sustainable energy supply

The series of seminars met with a positive response from the lecturers from universities in Central Asia and the Caucasus who took part in the seminars: both they and university students were able to benefit significantly from the knowledge transfer and expand their knowledge of important measures and technical solutions in the field of renewable energies and their applications. The participants signaled great interest in continuing the series of seminars on other relevant aspects of the energy transition.

In addition, they found the regional exchange of experience with representatives from Central Asian and Caucasian universities helpful and purposeful: Participation in the seminar series offered them an excellent opportunity to network and learn from each other.