Seminar: Solar radiation as an energy source

Seminar: Solar radiation as an energy source

On April 27, 2023, the ideas into energy gGmbH held another seminar from the “Solar Universities” seminar series for lecturers and students in Central Asia and the Caucasus. The seminar focused on the composition and characteristics of solar radiation and its potential for energy generation. In addition, practical examples of the measurement of solar radiation and its potential in Europe and in individual European cities were presented.

Key aspects of the lecture by Prof. em. Alexander Kirjuchin and the subsequent discussion were:

1. What exactly is meant by solar radiation?
2. How is it calculated?
3. What are the units of measurement?
4. Which factors are relevant for the intensity of solar radiation and why?
5. Why does the amount of solar radiation that reaches the ground vary depending on the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere and the prevailing climate?
6. What role do the seasons play in solar radiation?

Lecturers and students from 14 partner universities from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan took part in the seminar.