Seminar: Studying in Germany – Introduction

Seminar: Studying in Germany – Introduction

On December 5, 2022, our online seminar on “Studying in Germany – Introduction” took place for high school students from our Uzbek and Kazakh solar schools. Almost 50 interested students from the 10th and 11th grades took part in the seminar. The seminar focused in particular on the following topics:

1. How is studying in German universities structured?
2. What requirements must be met in order to study in Germany?
3. What is the application process like for foreign students?
4. How do you get a visa for study purposes in Central Asia?
5. Everyday life in Germany: practical tips

After a comprehensive presentation of these questions by experts from Ideas into energy gGmbH and eclareon GmbH, which was met with great interest by the participants, a lively discussion took place on topics such as career prospects in the field of renewable energies and sustainable energy supply after completing a degree in relevant courses. The seminar was followed by a quiz with questions on the content of the seminar for all participating students.