Draft law for mandatory solar roofs in Germany

Draft law for mandatory solar roofs in Germany

In some German states, including Baden-Württemberg and Berlin, solar roofs will be mandatory for commercial buildings as early as January 2022. Now, a draft law of the new federal government also provides for the nationwide installation obligation of solar systems on public and private buildings in the coming year. The law is to apply both to new buildings and (from 2023) to the renovation of existing buildings.

The various interest groups are now speaking out on this draft: representatives of the interests of homeowners are criticizing the plans as cost intensive. The consumer association is still critical of individual points of the plan. For example, it is likely that a sharp increase in demand for photovoltaics will far exceed the supply on the PV market. The shortage of skilled installers could also become a problem. The German Solar Industry Association points to climate protection targets. To achieve these, the annual installation volume in Germany would have to be at least tripled, according to Chief Executive Carsten Körnig. (wiwo, 10/18-21)

The state government of Baden-Württemberg is advertising the solar obligation to its citizens, saying that a solar system on one's own roof would sooner or later pay for itself. In order to fulfill the plans of the German government, to be climate neutral by the year 2045, more incentives would be needed for an increased retrofitting of existing buildings with photovoltaics as well as with photovoltaic-combined heating systems.


Sebastian Deliga (SWR): „Solarzellen auf jedem Dach“ from 07/22/2021)  https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/technologie/solardachpflicht-baden-wuerttemberg-101.html (last access on 11/03/2021 at 8:10 a.m.)

Stefan Knieps (wiwo): „Solar-Pflicht für Büros und Hallen: «hoher Symbolwert, überschaubarer Marktimpuls»“ (10/18/2021): https://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/energie/moegliches-gesetz-einer-ampel-koalition-solar-pflicht-fuer-bueros-und-hallen-hoher-symbolwert-ueberschaubarer-marktimpuls/27716284.html (last access on 11/03/2021 at 11:55 a.m.)