Tesla opens Gigafactory in Brandenburg

Tesla opens Gigafactory in Brandenburg

Tesla officially opened its Gigafactory in Grünheide, Brandenburg, on March 22, 2022. Tesla CEO Elon Musk traveled from California for the opening. The first 30 electric cars of the "Y-Model" type rolled off the production line that day. According to the manufacturer, the e-vehicle has a range of around 500 kilometers. For the Brandenburg region, the choice of location by the high-tech company Tesla represents a turning point. In the future, the region would like to attract further investors and, among other things, also locate a battery storage plant in Brandenburg. This would create the conditions for a complete value chain for electromobility, according to Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke.


In the future, 12,000 employees will work at the new Tesla site to produce 500,000 e-cars annually. In addition, a production plant for battery storage is also to be built here. The Gigafactory is the US manufacturer's first major production site in the whole of Europe.




pv-magazine, article by Sandra Enkhardt (3/22/2022):

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/03/22/tesla-eroeffnet-giga-fabrik-in-gruenheide-erste-model-y-rollen-vom-band/, accessed: 3/22/2022 at 5 p.m.


MAZ-online.de (3/22/2022):

https://www.maz-online.de/Brandenburg/Brandenburg-Tesla-Gigafactory-Eroeffnung-in-Bildern, accessed: 3/22/2022 at 5 p.m.