From January 17 to 18, an online seminar for German and physics teachers from School No. 46 in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, was organized as part of the Solar Schools project. Among the participants were the head of the school, Rosa Kaskabajeva, the deputy director for digitalization, Aldiyar Mashrapov, and teachers of physics and geography. The aim of the seminar was to provide teaching ideas for the Solar Schools project and to develop them together with the participants. The first day of the seminar was addressed to the German teachers and was moderated by a representative of ideas into energy gGmbH who gave an introduction to the history of the project. In the following workshops, possibilities were presented on how the topic of solar energy and the project film can be profitably integrated in German lessons.
On the second day it was the turn of the physics teachers. Alexander Kirjuchin, visiting professor at MPEI, introduced the participants to the technical components of the solar suitcase and presented experiments that can be conducted in class to introduce students to the topic of photovoltaics. Prof. Kirjuchin pointed out the many possibilities of reading out data from the photovoltaic system with the help of control software and also gave a practical introduction to this. Both seminar days ended with an evaluation of the event by the participants.