18 terawatt hours of green electricity in August 2021

18 terawatt hours of green electricity in August 2021
September 6, 2021

According to the electricity provider E.ON a new record, in August 2021, was achieved in the feed-in of electricity from photovoltaics, wind power and other renewable energy sources. The energy company reported over 18 terawatt hours of green power fed into the grid, including over 8 terawatt hours from wind power and 5.9 terawatt hours from photovoltaics. Due to favourable weather conditions last month, renewables accounted for more than half of net electricity generation in Germany (52.3%). Lignite and hard coal power plants together covered just over a quarter (27.2 %), while nuclear energy accounted for 15.3 %.

Sources: pv-magazine, article by Petra Hannen from 09/02/21; https://www.pv-magazine.de/2021/09/02/der-august-brachte-mehr-als-18-terawattstunden-erneuerbaren-strom/ (last access on 09/06/2021 at 10:15 a.m.)

https://www.windkraft-journal.de/tag/august-2021 (last access on 09/06/2021 at 10:35 a.m.)