Sharply rising prices on the German power exchange for photovoltaics and wind power

Sharply rising prices on the German power exchange for photovoltaics and wind power
October 15, 2021

Rising energy prices have caused the price of green power on the electricity exchange in Germany to rise significantly in recent months. This means that green power is becoming increasingly valuable. In September 2021, an average of 11.715 cents per kilowatt hour was paid for solar power on the German power exchange, equivalent to about 9.7 roubles. Record levels of solar power prices had already been reached in previous months.

For onshore wind power the price increased from 7.253 cents in August to 11.754 cents per kilowatt hour in September, also about 9.7 roubles. Which represents an increase of about 60 percent within one month. For offshore wind power, the value increased from 7.531 to as much as 12.25 cents per kilowatt hour.

An end to the rising prices is not yet in sight. Above all, the currently very strong increase in the price of natural gas is responsible for the high demand for renewable energies.

Sources: pv-magazine, article by Sandra Enkhardt from 10/11/2021: (last access on 10/12/2021 at 1:40 p.m.)

pv-magazine, article by Ralph Diermann from 09/11/2021: (last access on 10/12/2021 at 1:35 p.m.)